Research Analyst
Welcome to Indusinvestment, Your Premier Destination for Expert Stock Market Advisory Services!
SEBI Regd. No. INH000013989
Equity Delivery
Intraday/BTST/Swing Trader
1. Suitable for aggressive traders
2. Multiple Stocks within NIFTY 500
3. Holding period approx. One week in swing trading
4. Stocks can be used for Intraday, BTST or Swing Trading
Positional Investor
1. Suitable for one who wants invest for a particular Long Period
2. Multiple Stocks within NIFTY 500
3. Holding period may vary from one month to longer period in year
4. As per need and requirement of Clients
One Time Picks
1. High potential stocks in single use service
2. Up to Six Stocks in One Click
3. Use as per Need
4. Economic Model
1. Suitable for one who wants invest for a Short Term Once in a Week
2. Multiple Stocks within NIFTY 500
3. Holding period may vary from one Week Monday to Monday
4. Good focused Swing Trading
7 Days Subscription
1. Economic on Trial basis
2. Intraday/BTST/Swing Trading
3. Multiple Stocks within NIFTY 500
4. Time Horizon 7 Days
Learn & Earn with Advisory
1. To Educate existing Trader or Investor with Basics of TechnicalAnalysis for Trading
2. Making knowledgeful to use informed decision properly to protect & make money.
3. Time Period: 1 Month (5 Hrs. per Week)
4. Adhering SEBI Investor Charter Mission: Invest with knowledge & safety
Standard Disclosures
Investments in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing.
The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory.
Registration granted by SEBI, membership of a SEBI recognized supervisory body (if any) and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors.
we are committed to revolutionizing the landscape of stock market advisory services. With a firm belief in transparency, integrity, and expertise, we strive to be the guiding light for investors navigating the intricate world of finance. Our relentless dedication to empowering investors with knowledge and actionable insights sets us apart as a trusted partner in their financial journey.

Cutting-edge tools and techniques to gather and analyze data, ensuring accurate and reliable results for reporting.